Deliberately Conflating Judaism with Zionism Will Not End Well
Readers might have noticed in the two to three decades, that any criticism of Israel or any despicable specimen of a human being who happens to be Jewish is immediately labelled as “anti-Semitic” in USA and other western countries. This bullshit labeling trend is usually pushed by certain “NGOs” such as the ADL, SPLC and equivalents in other western countries. Some of you might even remember a time, when accusations against Jefferey Epstein were labelled as “anti-Semitic” as were critics of the Sackler family of OxyContin fame. These “NGOs” also want to tell us that critiques of George Soros are “anti-Semitic”- which is funny because he admitted in more than one old televised interview to actively collaborating, as a teenager, with the SS during the Nazi occupation of Hungary in WW2.
But before we go further let us make some things clear. I do not belong to any of the three Abrahamic religions. Personally, I find religions interesting only as an object of study into the human psyche and have no desire to believe in the fairy tales found in their “holy books”. My views on secular religions such as capitalism, socialism, environmentalism etc are similarly negative. I also have no skin in the fight between nutcases from various religious groups, apart from how those conflicts will affect my lifestyle. My worldview is based on an objective analysis of how various people, personalities, developments, trends etc interact with each other to create various possible versions of the future. Now let us get back to why conflation of a perpetual minority religion with ethno-nationalism is such a bad idea.
1] Let us honest about something- followers of Judaism (henceforth referred to as Jews) have always been a minority, are a minority and will remain so in foreseeable future. Even In Israel, non-Jews will outnumber Jews within a decade or so. While this might seem trivial and obvious, it has all sorts of effects which are rarely spelled out. For starters, the range of options for action available to a small minority who is not on the demographic upswing are much narrower than those available to another minority on a demographic upswing. This holds even if the demographically stagnant minority is much richer or more powerful at that specific moment in time. What I am trying to say is that Muslims in western countries will soon have a far larger impact on the policies of the countries in which they reside than Jews. This will occur regardless of whether the old leaders of those countries want to go down those paths.
2] This leads us to the first long-term problem of conflating Judaism with Zionism. It is much easier to defend freedom of religion than justify the poorly thought actions of ethno-nationalists acting in its name. Here is an example- it is infinitely easier to defend Islam as a religion than defend the actions of armed outfits carrying out murder, terrorism and ethnic cleansing in its name. The same applies for every other religion, including Judaism. Now consider that for every Bin Laden there are many thousands of Muslims who live otherwise unremarkable and normal lives. However most able-bodied Jewish citizens of Israel, a country which is the living embodiment of Zionism, has served in the IDF. While Jews in the West have a wide range of ideological positions from hyper-liberal to ultra-orthodox, and many don’t support Zionism, open criticism of Israel is rather uncommon among this group.
3] Now let us move to the “creep-back” effect. See.. after 9/11, most Muslims in the West were quite open about their dislike for the beliefs of people such as Bin Landen. Over time, we were able to see that the vast majority of Muslims (in the West) were not fanatically religious and in 2023 most people cringe at the stuff they might have said about Muslims in 2002. In other words, the “creep-back effect” aka guilt by association was minimal. Now contrast this to how valid criticisms of Israel are treated in the West, especially USA. Firstly, most people will not make them publicly even though they do in their private circles. Secondly, there is a valid perception that Jews in the West are using their current positions in those societies to harass and destroy those with contrary opinions. Now couple that with the fact that those in said group who do not agree with actions of Israel will rarely criticize it. To any outsider, this looks like typical insider collaboration and further blurs the line between Judaism and Zionism.
4] But the “creep-back effect” does not stop there. It is hard to ignore that a significant minority of Jews (in prominent positions) act as if they can get away with anything and are invulnerable. This is important because the fortunes of various groups, especially ethnic minorities, can change over time. For example- Jewish representation in higher corporate jobs in USA was pretty low before the 1960s. Or take the example of how Jews were well represented in high positions during German and Austro-Hungarian Empires- but suffered a huge loss of status (and life) after those two political entities ended after WW1. Armenians under the Ottoman Empire are another good example of what can happen to ethnic minorities, used to be in a comfortable position for centuries, once the underlying political structure collapses. My point is that things can change pretty quickly, once the existing political structures become decrepit and start collapsing.
5] So let us ask how various trends (demographic and otherwise) we see in the West, especially USA, might play out in the next decade or so. As mentioned earlier, the percentage of non-white adults and children, with ancestry from Latin America, the Middle-East, South Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia, is going to grow a lot. As it turns out people from those parts of the world do not have the same guilt towards Jews as Whites- due to a different cultural history. In other words, a lot of the reasons why Whites are reticent to speak and act out against Jews are not shared by or applicable to them- and we are already seeing this in the form of a much diminished support for Israel among younger demographic groups. This trend is only going to get bigger, wider and deeper. Some in these newer groups are also in competition with Jews for high status positions and jobs- especially Asians and Middle-Easterners. To make a long story short, public perceptions of that group as well as its relative power and influence are on the downtrend.
6] It should also be noted that the relative power and influence of USA, the main supporter of Zionism, is in steep decline. While there are many convergent reasons for this outcome, the end result is that it will become harder for USA to support and back up Israel effectively with every passing year. The problem for them is that all other major powers are much less sympathetic to Zionism, and hence there is no real replacement in the works. Now consider that this is occurring at the same time when economic conditions for the median person in USA are becoming bleaker with every passing year. Even if you don’t end up with a populist nativist who blames the Jews for everything (like in the 1930s), it does not take a genius to figure out that being a rich asshole who has loyalties to another country is not going to be a popular position during time of socio-economic stress. This is where the “creep-back effect” does the most damage as everyone in that group who did not previously speak out against those ethno-nationalist idea gets lumped together with them as congenitally untrustworthy persons- and this does not bode well if you also happen to a perpetual minority not on a demographic upswing. And this is why conflating religion and ethno-nationalism often ends badly- even if it seems to be working for some time.
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