By now, most of you must have heard or seen establishment journalists desperately trying to cover up how badly the spread of "Omicron" strain of COVID-19 has torched their narrative about the efficacy of their mediocre vaccines. Even worse, it has exposed the complete ineffectiveness of so-called "NPIs" such as face-masks, social distancing, lockdowns, vaccine passports and other bullshit measures. So how has the western establishment and its MSM pressitutes responded to the widespread and very obvious evidence that they were always incompetent liars? Well.. some are pretending that nothing has changed. This pretense of "move on, nothing to see here" is especially common in most western European countries. In other parts of world, such as USA, the establishment has partially accepted their failure but still pretend that other new ones will work- not unlike Nazi Germany in 1944 counting on their “Wunderwaffe” to change the course of WW2. This is why they are pretending that N95 masks will work where cloth ones failed. To be fair, Nazi Germany had far a better chance of winning WW2 than current day politicians and public health morons have of achieving the fantasy of “Zero Covid”.
But what about the almost complete failure of those heavily promoted mRNA (and other) COVID-19 vaccines to prevent infection and upper respiratory symptoms? Was this really due to "immune escape" by the Omicron strain or is it due to something else? Thing is.. the inability of vaccines to prevent upper respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 infections was obvious from the earliest days and was quite obvious by the time delta strains became dominant. Even a few months ago, it became obvious that vaccines weren't doing much to suppress seasonal cycles of symptomatic cases for COVID-19. So did the vaccines reduce rates of hospitalization and death? Sure.. they have certainly reduced rates of hospitalization by between (60-90 %)- depending on age group. Of course, the reduction in hospitalization was much higher in younger age groups, who are coincidentally at a much lower risk of hospitalization than those above 70.
In other words, the real-life efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines at preventing death is closer to 70-80% (than the promised 95 %) because most of the seriously ill “breakthough” cases are in the oldest and sickest age cohorts. As I have always said, existing COVID-19 vaccines make sense for those above 65 or those with serious chronic illnesses. The risk-benefit calculus changes a lot as you go towards younger age groups, and it is not an exaggeration to day that the ability of vaccines to reduce death-from-all-causes in people under 30 has yet to be demonstrated using good-quality data. But let us get back to why the current generation of COVID vaccines cannot prevent infection and upper respiratory symptoms. Some of you might remember how almost everyone from Pharma CEOs to politicians were confidently touting the alleged ability of these vaccines to prevent infection a few months ago.
Well.. if you actually knew a bit about microbiology and immunology, it was obvious from day one that these vaccines had no hope of preventing infection or upper respiratory symptoms. To understand why, let us talk a bit more about respiratory viruses. While there are many ways to classify respiratory viruses, let us focus on one specific way relevant to the practice of medicine- which types of cells and tissues do they usually infect? If we use that criteria all respiratory viruses fall into two groups: a] those who use the respiratory tract to gain entrance to body and cause systemic infections (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox etc) and b] those who infection is largely confined to the linings of respiratory tract (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, influenza etc). So why does this distinction matter for most vaccines? The short answer is that it has to do with the form of most approved vaccines.
Almost every single common approved vaccine for viral diseases in humans is based on one of the following technologies: injected inactivated virus, injected attenuated virus or injected antigen. So what do these vaccines do? Well they stimulate the production of antibodies (B-cell mediated) and cytotoxic immune response (T-cell mediated) and in the case of live attenuated viruses- additional stimulation of non-specific immune responses. Of course, the immune system can remember both the B-cell and T-cell response to viral proteins for future use. Did you notice something missing in that list? Ever heard about mucosal immunity? The simplest explanation for that type of immunity is that viruses which invade via the mucosa (respiratory, digestive tract etc) also stimulate an extra layer of immunity by stimulating local immune cells and inducing the production of secreted IgA antibodies. The relevant part is that injected vaccines of any type are close to useless at generating a decent mucosal immune response.
The lack of mucosal immunity in response to an injected vaccine is irrelevant for most viruses (including respiratory ones) which predominantly cause infection and disease in tissues other than the mucosa. Also, such viruses have a significantly longer incubation period than the viruses which predominantly infect and cause disease in the mucosal linings. That is why injected MMR vaccine works extremely well at blocking viral transmission in addition to stopping clinical illness. However this means that anything short of an actual infection or an inhaled attenuated viral vaccine won't produce true sterilizing immunity against viruses which predominantly infect cells in and around the mucosa- of respiratory or digestive tract. This is why injected COVID-19 vaccines, regardless of the technology they were based on, have no realistic chance of producing anything approaching usable levels of mucosal immunity.
Can the current COVID-19 vaccines produce enough immunity to stop spread of virus in deeper lung tissue? Sure.. they can do that and it is the mechanism by which they reduce the incidence of serious illness in COVID-19 patients. But they can't do anything more. It is most curious that all the "credentialed experts" in West are pretending that this was not the case, even though everything I have written here can be found in almost any textbook on this topic, in addition to being obvious to anyone who has worked in the field of developing vaccines for respiratory viruses. This is one of the many reasons why previous infection with any strain of COVID-19 provides far better protection against upper respiratory symptoms than any current vaccine- in addition to providing far superior protection against hospitalization and death. But why wasn't this simple fact obvious (to most people) during the Delta strain wave? What changed between the and now? Well.. for that, you have blame the short-sightedness of the moronic elites.
See.. even 3-4 months ago, rapid antigen-based tests for COVID-19 were hard to find. That is why many people with "breakthrough" delta-strain infections never realized that their cold was a COVID-19 infection. But then the elites thought that testing everybody with cheap and fast tests would allow them inflate case numbers enough to prolong the pandemic, but without damaging their narrative. They did not expect that these tests would reveal how incredibly ineffective the vaccines, which they had touted for months, were at preventing infection and upper-respiratory symptoms. The short version is this miscalculation ended up destroying the narrative they had been carefully creating and curating over more than a year. Now it is too late to do anything as the metaphorical horse has escaped the stable and is nowhere to be found. I find it darkly comic that the very mechanism they were using to prolong the pandemic exposed their utter impotence and incompetence in the face of COVID-19. Is Omicron a little more transmissible than Delta? Sure.. but it is the ubiquity of inexpensive LFT tests which exposed their fraud.
These same cheap and widely available tests in addition to the slightly higher infectivity of Omicron also exposed the utter uselessness of cloth and surgical masks at preventing COVID-19. The same thing happened to all that bullshit about social distancing, lockdowns etc stopping the spread of this virus. These tests have simply revealed to everyone that all those costly and onerous measures, touted by "experts" for almost two years, were totally ineffective at controlling the spread of this virus- let alone eliminating it.
What do you think? Comments?
Hello there. I've been a long time reader of your old WordPress blog. Did you pull the plug on it or did WordPress close it for some reason? I learned a lot from your past work and hoping someday it could be posted again. I figure you probably backed up all the material. Sorry this comment isn't really relevant to the article; would have preferred to say this privately. Keep up the good work Advocatus Diaboli