Liberalism is Entirely Based in Status Posturing
Over the past few years, many of you might have noticed an interesting pattern about people who identify themselves as “liberals”. They somehow become strong and vocal supporters of any idea or ideology which is presented as fashionable and “respectable”. That is how the same person supports the Black Lives Matter movement, transing and mutilating children, ineffective masks and vaccines for COVID-19, support for the war in Ukraine and any new belief system that comes out of NGOs, think tanks and ivy-league universities. And this pattern is not exactly new. Remember how gay marriage suddenly became totally respectable after the Obergefell v. Hodges decision in 2015.
While some of you might want to believe that these sudden changes and new fads are the result of some deep conspiracy whereby ‘liberals’ carefully infiltrate and subvert institutions, the truth is far more boring and pathetic. To be clear, I am not denying that ideological people with ulterior motives don’t try to infiltrate institutions- but let us be honest, their impact is limited at best. Widespread institutional decay is much better understood as result of entropic hiring policies which favor barely competent and spineless creatures who will change their professed beliefs on command from someone who is barely more competent than them. Don’t believe me.. just read the CVs and admission essays of most people who entered med school in past two decades.
It is hard to find a group full of so many mediocrities with unusually similar patterns of work and volunteering histories, the same talking points and professed beliefs, similar mannerisms and styles of dress etc. One might be forgiven for believing that these mediocrities were manufactured on the same assembly line- and that is not too far from the truth. It is therefore no surprise that when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many of these mediocrities displayed levels of group think usually associated with party members in totalitarian regimes- though the Nazis looked and dressed much better. And this is not a random comparison- as physicians in Germany during 1930s were one of the main professional groups who rapidly joined the Nazi party once it became obvious that they were going to stay in power.
But, as I said earlier, this rot goes much much deeper and the large number of younger physicians who supported and cheered on incredibly dumb and dangerous ideas is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Have a look at how all sorts of corporations, from Disney and Budweiser to Target and Walmart want to promote themselves as natural supporters of LGBTQ+, DEI, CRT or whichever woke ideology is seen as the most hip and fashionable on that day. Some of you think that this has something to do with ESG scores or something to do with shadowy global institutions such as WEF, UN etc. First let me say that these supposedly powerful global institutions are full of pompous and incompetent clowns who like to jerk off their flaccid dicks in front of the bathroom mirror. In other words, they are more of a nuisance than a serious threat.
The more important question is why so many underlings in the administrative setup of corporations and other institutions want to go along with this hilariously dumb shit. The tasteless but boring explanation for this phenomena is as follows.. bureaucracy in every institution always tends to attract a certain type of personality which revels in feeling useful and self-important even though they are nothing more than parasites. These mindless critters are, therefore, very enthusiastic about embracing every dumb idea which sounds vaguely respectable- especially if that would also increase their immediate career prospects. That is why dumb and dangerous ideas such as banning internal combustion automobiles, banning fertilizers and pesticides to shutting down coal and gas power plants are so enthusiastically supported by these dummies- and yes, western Europe is full of such parasites.
On the bright side, the West but especially western Europe is the midst of a systemic technological stagnation and steep demographic and relative economic decline- so they won’t matter in the grand scheme of things. The point I am trying to make modern liberalism is almost entirely based in status posturing and clout chasing by dumb people in professions that are either parasitic (bureaucracy, administration etc) or are unfortunately becoming so (teaching, medicine etc). The key takeaway from this post is that modern liberals don’t actually believe in anything they claim to because they lack the mental abilities to think critically about anything- but especially what they enthusiastically profess. The liberal class in West is now mostly made of of people in parasitic jobs who daydream about their supposed indispensability and importance.. and yes, women and effeminate men are over-represented in this group.
What do you think? Comments?