Why do Dumb Liberal Fads Spread so Quickly in Blue States and Cities?
One of my more interesting, if depressing, observation about the COVID-19 pandemic was how states and cities governed by the democratic party went overboard in their futile attempts to control that virus. Every delusional and laughably ineffective idea, from constant testing of asymptomatic individuals and facemasks that don’t work to really bad ideas such as closing down schools for years and “vaccine passports” were implemented with far more vigor in the so called “blue” states and cities than in other parts of this country. More curiously, these ideas had a specific direction and speed of spread- where they were first adopted in the “bluest” states and cities and then copied by less “blue” states and cities until they finally met a wall of popular resistance which made the people in charge back down.
It was then that I realized that this was farce was following a rather familiar pattern. To understand what I am talking about, let me take you back about 8-10 years ago. Much of the current bullshit ideas about sexual consent among somewhat inebriated adults, especially those attending the university, first started to gain prominence around that time. To make a long story short, the hilarious public notices plastered at university social events about getting enthusiastic sexual consent, and how even a little alcohol negates it, first started popping up at “prestigious” ivy league universities in the early 2010s. It was after this that similar notices, often copied right down to the wording, started appearing at much less prestigious campuses with a year or two. So how did these dumb and laughable ideas travel so fast?
One of my previous posts, about how the current status quo favors theater kids who end up becoming incompetent professionals, managers and “elites”, provides part of the answer. See.. any system where competent people end up being selected to occupy the higher positions in institutions has significant ideological diversity. Even a system that celebrates conformism such as the Chinese Communist Party has many who don’t agree with the official (and changing) party line and will pretend to conform only at highly public events and forums. This is because most people who are actually smart and competent understand that there is no universal set of truths, theory of everything or one perfect way to do anything. Now compare that to the way the people in charge of your average university in North America or increasingly anywhere else in West behaves. Notice that the people in any position of power at these places also display complete and absolute certainty about their worldview? Also note that this wasn’t always the case- even twenty years ago.
And the pernicious influence of incompetent midwit theater kids does not stop there. Ever wondered how equally ludicrous ideas such as promoting Transgenderism, queer indoctrination of kids in schools, drag story time for kids and similar ideas spread so quickly in the past few years? Another one of my previous post, why do declining western countries worship people with overt mental illness?, goes into some detail about the other dumb ideologies (such as environmentalism) which have become mainstream in the West. While we can always point a finger or two at cynical and deranged rich people who fund such causes, this is not sufficient to explain why a certain type of individual (self-anointed liberal, effeminate, conformist, midwit, working a bullshit desk job) is so willing to buy every dumb idea and fad which is perceived as “high status”, fashionable and “current”.
One popular explanation for the behavior of such people is that they are just doing it to stay competitive in their career. However, this cannot explain why similar dumb fads never spread so quickly and thoroughly through these institutions in the past- and there was no shortage of such stuff at that time. Others blame social media and while there is some truth to the idea that dumb ideas often get much more exposure than in the past, but the same is also true for critiques of such ideas. In my opinion, it comes down to the type of people who have been hired by these institutions (universities, schools, hospital administration, local government) in past two decades. Previously, most desk jobs in the West did not explicitly select for internally empty, superficially pleasant and effeminate midwits with no personal identity or sense of self.
To put it bluntly, people without personal achievements or sense of self tend to build their sense of self using external markers and ideologies. The most fervent Nazis were almost always midwits who joined that party to provide themselves a sense of identity and purpose in their otherwise bland and mediocre lives. The self-anointed liberals of today are therefore best understood as the most current incarnation of the conformist midwits who would have enthusiastically joined the Nazi party in 1930-era Germany. It is not about, and never was about, that ideology or any other. It is about mediocre conformist midwits who lack any strong personal identity adopting any belief system which appears fashionable and provides meaning to their otherwise empty existence. As to the reason why these dumb ideas spread fast and from the more “liberal” areas to the less “liberal” ones, it is about empty imitation and constantly keeping up with latest changes in fashion. And yes.. that is why most of these self-anointed “liberals” are midwit white women and effeminate men.
What do you think? Comments?