Why do Liberals Like to Use their Kids as Props for Personal Virtue Signaling?
If you have been around long enough, you might have noticed an interesting shift in parenting patterns when correlated with professed political ideology. See.. even 30 years ago, only a miniscule percentage of parents (irrespective of political ideology) used their own kids as props for virtue signaling. This is not to say that such human trash was very rare, as we all know people who forced their religious ideologies or dietary fads on their children- often manifested as joining cults, practicing veganism etc. But this was still uncommon enough to raise eyebrows among the majority of population and was generally looked down upon.
Then something changed, starting about twenty years ago when the children of costal liberals started manifesting behaviors and embracing belief systems which were a bit too complicated for their age. Some of you might remember how, about 15 years ago, we started hearing about how the weirdly-named children of celebrities were now "discovering" their sexual orientation before even reaching puberty. I always found it amusing how the parents of these kids were so certain about their children's newfound sexual orientation, given what we know about the human mind grows and matures in children and adolescents. Curious.. isn’t it?
Curiously, this occurred at around that same time when gay and lesbian rights finally became a fashionable cause in liberal social circles. To make matters more interesting, it occurred at around the same time many celebrities suddenly discovered they were lesbian, bisexual, pansexual or asexual. While some might say that this was because these “identities” were previously repressed by social norms, it is rather telling that this occurred mostly among B-grade and lower actresses and female musicians who were often past their prime. It is as if there was some link between their new-found epiphany and wanting some attention or gaining some cultural relevance.
Then, after 2014 we saw another phenomena. A lot of mediocre actresses, musicians, internet celebrities and other assorted attention-whores suddenly discovered they were either trans- or very supportive of trans- rights. And almost immediately a lot of coastal liberals started discovering that their children were trans. Simultaneously, the number of liberals who touted having gay and lesbian kids went down at the same rate as "trans", "queer", "gender-fluid" and other “identities” went up. Given that sexual orientation is supposed to be biological, isn’t it odd odd that the number of gay and lesbian kids of coastal liberal parents went down at the same rate as next generation of fashionable labels came into vogue.
And then COVID-19 came and these same liberal parent suddenly discovered their kids were "resilient", were OK without normal in-person contact and "loved to wear face-masks" or wanted to get the vaccine. Did I mention that just before the COVID pandemic, these same parents discovered their children loved "queer" stories told by mentally-unstable men in drag or YA books containing "kink" and extremely and stereotypically queer adolescent characters having sex with each other and adults. How many of you think it is a bit suspicious that the sexual orientation, core beliefs and worldview of the children of coastal liberals (and their flyover-country imitators) seem to magically mirror whatever trend is fashionable among the out-of-touch and incestuous liberal tastemakers in this country? Isn't it all just a bit too convenient?
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