One of the famous quotes from the 2008 hit movie, The Dark Night, by one of the main characters goes something like this: “Because he is the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” The James Gordon character who says that line to his son is trying to tell him that the behavior and methods of Batman might be imperfect, but was right for the circumstances and conditions in Gotham city. In a similar vein, I am going to put forth the controversial idea that Andrew Tate (or the character he plays in public life) is the grifter that contemporary effeminate and dying western societies richly deserve. By now, I am sure that most readers have heard about Andrew Tate. If you have not, here is a very quick summary.
Andrew Tate is best described as ex-kickboxer with a flair for self promotion who got onto some reality TV show and used opportunity to build a large online presence by making carefully tailored controversial statements. His real genius was the recognition of a massive untapped demand for public figures who would unapologetically defend traditional masculine behavior- even if they did so as performance art. Andrew Tate’s business model is, therefore, playing such a person for public consumption and I am not defending this business model. Having said that, his success in the past few years says a lot about how effeminate and utterly dysfunctional most western societies have become. Hence his success is almost exclusively due to preexisting conditions.
To understand what I am talking about let us quickly go over a few major and systemic problems affecting relations between men and women in most developed countries. As some might remember, in the past few months I wrote two posts on some of these very issues- Weak Men Facilitate the Delusions of Women, False Consciousness, Self Image and Women in Western Countries and Why do Mediocre Women Delude Themselves about Their Sexual Desirability. In both, I have made the point that most institutions in modern western societies in addition to effeminate men have created a situation where even the most mediocre woman thinks she can easily end up in a long-term relationship with some tall guy with a six figure income and nine inch dick. In real life, most women will get only a few hookups in their entire lives with a guy with qualities that even remotely approach what they desire.
So what does this mean for the media or average guy? Well.. as things stand right now, being an average guy (or anything below top 10%) is a losing proposition. You might have read recent articles that over 30% of men between 18-30 have not had sex in the previous year and that the number of men who are single is twice that of women in same age group. It does not help that most of the useless jobs created in this dying “post-industrial” economy are not meant for men and nor are universities. There is huge population of young men in western countries who are not getting laid, not in any relationship or any positive interaction with the rest of society. It does not help that all the discredited institutions in these dying societies are actively hostile to men.
As the more well-read among you might know, the rise and success of men who go against the status quo usually arise when the society in question is in deep systemic crisis and most people have already lost faith in its institutions. There is a reason (or two) why the 1920s and 1930s in Europe saw the rise of so many dictators and other assorted “strong-men” such as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Dollfuss, Piłsudski etc. The combination of nationalism, incompetent democratic governments and a global economic depression created the perfect conditions for the rise of many leaders who would have otherwise never come anywhere near political power. But guess what.. these were the leaders that those societies deserved.
In a similar way, Andrew Tates’ current success and notoriety are almost exclusively due to the pre-existing conditions in these dying societies. If you don’t believe, ask yourself if a D-grade actor such as Tate would be anything other than a local celebrity in a society which did not constantly shit over its men, young and old. Do you think people would listen to his canned lines which mostly regurgitate conventional and fairly non-controversial ideas about traditional masculinity? It does not help that the delusional morons passing as “elites” in modern western societies are currently trying to discredit him by accusing him of sex crimes without adequate evidence. Between these dumb attempts to make him into a martyr and equally stupid attempts to censor him, they have done more to make him legitimate than he could have ever achieved.
Andrew Tate is the grifter that dying, dysfunctional and effeminate western societies richly deserve. Not only have they created all of the conditions which led to the rise of Tate and other like him, but they have done everything in their power to make him sound and feel like an authentic persecuted dissident. Way to go, morons!
What do you think? Comments?
Well said. I don't trust this Tate guy at all. ✌️
When I was in my teens I first heard "don't hate the player hate the game." As I get older I have a more thorough understanding of what that phrase means.
I don't hate Andrew Tate. I don't care about him either. I do think that he, just like OnlyFans (and its competitor e-girl/e-whoring sites), Donald Trump getting elected President at all, and various other things as you say only become possible and successful because of how far things in general in the USA have deteriorated. This dystopia has allowed space for so many things (particularly undesirable and/or less than ideal ones) to flourish.
This is America. The American Way is the way of Capital. Meaning widespread and probably in many cases preventable suffering must be identified and profited off. Andrew Tate, the creator of OF, and many folks are just doing the rational thing in this incredibly fucked up game. I hate the game, not the actors and players that are playing the game. In a healthy environment they would never have risen to prominence.
What I listed above from Andrew Tate to the myriad of other things fall under the category of symptoms of a disease not the disease itself.
Side Notes
1) I don't hate OF, but I think traditional whoring is a better experience (usually) for the customer. But whatever sorta pleases people I guess.
2) Ya know the common thread in many of your posts is about how many aspects of American life and society (for most people) has pretty much gone to hell and we are living in a dystopia. Obvious, I know.
It made me think of the 1987 song It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by R.E.M. It serves an appropriate response/comment in song form for some of your posts here and aptly describes so much (too much) of what is going on or more so how I feel about things. American Jesus by Bad Religion can work too and is a pretty good song in general