One of the most curious and peculiar trends of the past decade, but especially the past 5 years, has been the mainstreaming of “trans rights”. While I have written a few posts on this topic in the past (such as link 1, link 2, link 3 and link 4) which tackle topics such as why declining western societies are suddenly worshipping people with obvious mental illness and why corporations are showing such unusual support for what is euphemistically described as “trans rights” aka LGBTQ.. whatever, there is one topic that I had still not directly touched on- till now. It concerns the broad ecosystem of those who are within and support this darkly comic but dangerous movement. And yes.. the tittle of this post gives you a clue about the three main groups involved.
While it is possible to be be pedantic and split these groups in further sub-groups, doing so does takes away from the ability to understand how these three categories interact with and support each other. With that out of the way, let us talk about the first group- aka groomers. While this group might be the smallest or second smallest, they are certainly the loudest and often the most visible. While there is some overlap between them and the mentally ill, it should be understood that the critters in this group fully understand the implications of their actions. If you want a good example of this group- just have a look at any “trans” or “LGBTQ-whatever” activist promoting drags-time story hour or sexual kinks to preadolescents.
Have you ever considered that anybody promoting such stuff to preadolescents or barely pubescent kids is doing so to gain more converts to their cause? Why else would these drag-queens be so interested in reading gender-bending books to, or putting up sexually explicit performances for, kids. Why not put up those performances in other public venues such as nursing homes or hospitals. But more importantly, to what end? Given that these people are not the parents of the kids, it is clear they do not have the best interests of kids in their minds. So what is on their minds? What would make a person spend so much effort in gaining access to the children of other people to discuss sex, especially alternative sexual practices, with them? Could it be altruism, devotion to social justice or any other noble reason. Make a guess..
Ya, that is why LGBTQ-whatever promoters are interested in kids. It is about sexually getting off from their interactions with children with the faint hope that they can fuck some of these gender-confused converts in the future. If you think that this accusation is too harsh, I encourage you to come up with an alternative hypothesis for why these loud sexual exhibitionists are so interested in kids. Note that the vast majority of normal exhibitionists and those into alternative sexual stuff such as swinging, BDSM and much more have zero interest in exposing kids to their sexual interests. So let us be honest about something- the vast majority of those who promote “trans rights” and want to confuse and indoctrinate kids are doing to because they find prepubescent kids sexually attractive. If you are fine with this, that is your choice.
The same is also true for all those supposed “social activists” who can be found in certain social bubbles in liberal coastal cities and won’t shut up about why kids needs need to be exposed to their bizarre and unreal ideas in addition to sexual kinks. While I have never been a fan of censorship of any sort, it is my strong opinion that kids and adolescents should explore the world around them and their sexualities on their own schedules. Finding their self, likes and dislikes should always be a personal journey- rather than some pedo trying to convince them that getting themselves injected with dangerous puberty blockers or cutting off their balls, dick or tits will bring them everlasting happiness- which it most certainly won’t.
Now let us move to the next, and largest, component of this ecosystem aka the grifters. Unlike the first category, grifters come in many forms. While the most well known ones, such as social media influences like Dylan Mulvaney, might be the most infamous- they are also the least numerous. Grifters are common in useless and parasitic professions such as human resources and corporate management. They are starting to become common in academia, teaching and regrettably even medicine- albeit for different motivations. In sharp contrast to groomers, grifters have zero interest in children- either their welfare or sexuality. They are in to merely further their careers, increase their income or be generally perceived as more ‘cool’ or socially desirable than their competitors. Many of these grifters are what is best described as ‘theater kids’- a topic I have tacked in a previous post.
So why talk about grifters? Well.. because without their continuous support, groomers would not have reached the level of influence they currently have in decaying western societies. Never forget that every social problem associated with “trans rights” from dudes in woman’s sports, medicalization of autistic and mentally ill kids to cancel culture would not be possible without tons of grifters supporting them. In many ways, grifters are more despicable than groomers because they support such obviously bad and dangerous ideas with their authority. Groomers want to mutilate and fuck kids, but it is grifters who make this possible, just so that they can make more money or get another promotion. They are very reminiscent of midwit Nazis who enthusiastically ran extermination camps and deserve similar treatment.
Mentally ill children, adolescents and adults are last major group involved in the “trans rights” and LGBTQ-whatever charade. While there are many possible explanations for the rapid rise of mental illness in all age groups who live in dying western societies, the actual causes are less relevant than the effects. To put it bluntly, a lot of the dysfunction we see around us today- esp in younger age groups is the result of a vastly increased rate of serious mental illness and conditions. While this profound dysfunction takes various forms such as the rise of environmentalism, anti-natalism, social atomization, historically unprecedented rates of divorce etc in adults, the effects in children and adolescents are somewhat different. Ever wondered why groomers found a fertile ground for their activities now, than say 2 or 3 decades ago.
Now ask yourself- why would somebody believe that they are born in the wrong body, when they have no personal experience of being in that body. How does a boy know what it is to be a girl anymore than what it is be a dog or cat? Or consider what drives plain or ugly girls with mental issues to believe that chopping off their tits and taking regular testosterone injections would make them happier. Why would anyone believe in something so obviously ridiculous, unless they were very naïve or mentally ill. How is this fundamentally different from somebody hearing voices in their heads, having crippling depression, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder or uncontrolled anxiety? My point is that almost every single person who wants to be trans has significant untreated mental illness. Let us stop pretending otherwise.
What do you think? Comments?
Well said. 👍