Realistically this has always been an issue with the trans movement. It is paradoxically a rejection and negation of everything the proggy Left had said previously. A woman was previously able to play with trucks and car toys, or be a firefighter. Now these things indicate that really they are a boy and must be subject to medical surgery to match what they are meant to be.

It is strange that many of the voices who once were defenders of the womanhood of tomboys now see no issue with arguing that if a girl picks up a baseball, she has to have her body mutilated and adopt a whole new name, as sports ball is the domain of men and men exclusively, and holding a barbie doll is a domain exclusively for girls.

This might also be why the public is confused as its such a jarring about face; the message switched and inverted so quickly that many people are unable to cope with how disjointed it is.

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The real Red 💊 is Lady Boys. AD, if you have never tasted this fine delicacy, you are missing out. More feminine than “real” woman and great in the sack.

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