In previous posts, I have written about how women in western countries display high levels of false consciousness and exhibit grandiose delusions about their ‘real’ sexual desirability Both posts went into some detail about the ideological prerequisites and mental gymnastics necessary for mediocre women to believe they are the prize. While internalization of neoliberal ideology, creation of a false sense of self and belief in all sorts of magical thinking form one side of the bridge which allow them to travel to the island resort of delusional behavior, we have not talked about the other side of that bridge- namely, how most men actively facilitate this behavior.
So, let us talk about it now starting with a few observations. Have you noticed that there is no shortage of men willing to play surrogate father to the kids of a single mother, as long as she sucks his dick a few times at the beginning of a relationship. Ever wondered what sort of moron with has no kids of his own would want to play father for the spawn of some guy who was fucking that woman when she was younger and much better looking. Curiously these same guys would never pay the price of a new car for something that is used, has high mileage and been through a few minor accidents. And yes, I am comparing single mothers to used cars.
Moving on.. have you ever seen any of the cringe proposals (photos or videos) on social media? Why would any person with a spine would debase himself like that? Maybe they don’t have one. In any case, the obsession with getting married and having a big wedding is a female thing. Ok.. maybe gay guys are into that sort of stuff too, which is so many wedding planners of of that sexual orientation. And what is with the whole diamond engagement ring bullshit? Isn’t it common knowledge that the quality and quantity of sex goes down after engagement and marriage. Why would any guy with an understanding of how the real world works want to marry a woman nowadays?
Shouldn’t the statistics about divorce rates be enough to dissuade any sane man from marrying in 2023? Haven’t they seen enough examples of men whose lives have been destroyed by divorce and child custody battles? How many happily married men, as a percentage of married couples, do any of you know. If the outcome is mostly likely to be a divorce or barely tolerable marriage, what is the point of getting married? Also, it is not like your wife will stick by your side if you end up underemployed, ill with some serious chronic disease or suffer some other streak of bad luck. Any yet.. there seems to be no shortage of simps who want to get married, even if the woman had kids from a previous relationship. Aren’t they facilitating the delusions of women?
Or take how men pretend, at least in public, that hitting a woman is always wrong. While unprovoked assaults are hard to defend, those are rather uncommon- even in highly dysfunctional relationships. Let us just say that the vast majority of physical altercations among couples are not spontaneous outbursts of “toxic masculinity”. But ask any guy, especially a white guy, in public and he will almost always mouth some bullshit about how hitting women is always wrong. And talking about relationships, just have a look at how many men will stay in almost sexless marriages and similar long-term relationships. I mean.. what is the point of staying in relationships where you loathe each other that much. For the children?
Recently we have seen another amusing trend why greedy social media influences are trying to promote the idea of a traditional marriage. While there are many ways to poke fun at this idea, let me start by asking the most basic question- where are you going to find the traditionally minded women who has not already ridden at least a dozen dicks and believes in most of what modern western feminism preaches? At this point, some of you might say that men go along with all of this bullshit for the pussy. While this might sound plausible to a newbie, the reality is much different.
As some of you know I have used escorts for almost two decades and over that time have had some revelations relevant to this explanation. To put it bluntly, a woman has to be a 7 or above and skilled at what she is doing for quality of sexual experience to consistently exceed jerking off yourself. The median woman is not a 7 or above in the looks department. Now add in the lack of enthusiasm and poor attitude displayed by most women in long-term relationships and often short-term ones too. Now tell me again why most men are so willing and eager to facilitate the delusions of women in western countries? I am curious to know.. because the explanation is most unlikely to be based in reason or anything along those lines.
What do you think? Comments?
Lady boys are the real red 💊